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There are many stories, articles, newspapers, and information concerning Caucasian people in Appalachian communities, but we don't know much about the African Americans who live in these communities. Whether the information has been lost to time or just undocumented, our goal at African American Culture Inc. is to tell the stories and history of People of Color in Appalachian communities of the south. The goal is to acknowledge that People of Color are here and have always been a huge part of the southern communities as a whole. The south was built on the backs of African American slavery.

African American Culture Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization working to tell that story and acting as the voice for the Appalachian African American community. These people deserve a seat at the table, and it is time that they have a valid platform to speak from. We are here to give them that platform and to let them know that they are appreciated for what they have contributed to this community. We notice a lack of leadership, healthcare, and guidance in the black community

and are addressing the disparities of the community, as well as the conflicts and economical issues.


African American Culture Inc. is also looking for volunteers to this cause. Both those wishing to help our cause and those who belong to the Appalachian African American community with a story to tell. If you are a part of either of these and would like your story told, or simply just to help the nonprofit, you can contact using the button below or through our email at

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